Kitchen 511

Welcome to my blog, where I document nearly every meal I make in my home kitchen!

Aarke Pro Bubble-Water Maker

Aarke Pro Bubble-Water Maker

We’re big bubble-water people at Kitchen511. While I drink flat water by day, come 6:00 (about the time I get going on dinner), I switch to sparkling water for the rest of the night. I gave up buying cases of carbonated water years ago (unless I’m throwing a party), as I couldn’t continue to watch the recycling bins overflow with bottles each week, even if they were glass. We moved on to a SodaStream carbonator and re-filled their plastic bottles with carbonated water on a daily basis. But with each bubbly bottle I made, I longed for a glass vessel vs. a plastic one. Since I don’t put plastics in the dishwasher, I would hand wash them and they never seemed as sparkling as the water they held. Plus, I just don’t want plastic around and am trying to rid of as much of it as possible in my kitchen, as well as my home. So I splurged on the stainless steel Aarke Pro, which comes with a lovely 800 ml glass bottle. (I bought extras, since we’re big drinkers.) The Swedish-made Aarke unit makes a bold statement—it’s a good 3” taller than the SodaStream—but I’m okay with that.

Grilled Gazpacho

Grilled Gazpacho

NYT's Ramen With Charred Scallions, Green Beans & Chili Oil

NYT's Ramen With Charred Scallions, Green Beans & Chili Oil