Kitchen 511

Welcome to my blog, where I document nearly every meal I make in my home kitchen!

Grilled Gazpacho

Grilled Gazpacho

With the high temps we’ve been experiencing in New York this summer, gazpacho has been on regular rotation at Kitchen511. I’ve followed various recipes over the years, and the one below is largely based on one I like from Bon Apetit. (The pretty pic above is borrowed from a Williams Sonoma recipe.) What the recipes I favor all share in common is the main ingredients are always grilled or roasted, imparting a smokey flavor to the classic chilled soup. I love to serve it in a 4” tall glass (similar to the ones shown here) with a mini Cutipol spoon. I served it as a first course on a recent sweltering Sunday afternoon and decided to chill the glasses before adding the soup, which was a nice and appreciated touch. I topped it with cucumbers and basil, but I’ve used chives, tarragon and parsley in the past, as well. Stay cool.

Serves 10 small servings


  • 6 plum tomatoes

  • 4 heirloom tomatoes

  • 1 (8- to 9-ounce) red bell pepper

  • 1 jalapeno pepper

  • 1 (8- to 10-ounce) red onion, unpeeled, quartered lengthwise

  • 2 garlic cloves, peel included

  • 8 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided

  • (10- to 11-ounce) cucumber, peeled, halved, seeded, cut into small cubes, divided

  • 3/4 teaspoon smoked paprika

  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne

  • 3/4 cup (about) cold water

  • 2 teaspoons chopped fresh basil


  1. Prepare barbecue (medium-high heat). Place first 6 ingredients on baking sheet (or you can toss everything in a bowl). Brush with 3 tablespoons oil; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Grill vegetables until skins are charred, turning frequently, about 5 minutes for garlic, 8 minutes for tomatoes, 10 minutes for onion and jalapeno, and 15 minutes for red pepper. Return to baking sheet and let cool.

  2. Remove charred skin from garlic and skin and cores from tomatoes. Peel, seed, and core peppers; coarsely chop. Remove charred papery peel and core from onion. Set aside half of chopped cucumber for garnish. Working in 2 batches, add half each of tomatoes, peppers, onion, and remaining cucumber to processor and blend until coarse puree forms. Transfer mixture to large bowl. Repeat with remaining tomatoes, peppers, and onion. Using garlic press, squeeze in 2 garlic cloves. Stir in remaining 3 tablespoons olive oil, smoked paprika, cumin, and cayenne. Thin soup, if desired, with cold water by 1/4 cupfuls. Season with salt and pepper. Cover gazpacho and chopped cucumber garnish separately and refrigerate. Chill at least 2 hours (or better yet, make the night before so the flavors can really meld together).

  3. Season gazpacho to taste with more salt, if desired. Ladle into bowls or small glasses filled three-fourths full and garnish with cucumber and basil, or herbs of your choice.

Mushroom Toast

Mushroom Toast

Aarke Pro Bubble-Water Maker

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