Kitchen 511

Welcome to my blog, where I document nearly every meal I make in my home kitchen!

Emmy's Apricot Fruit Spread

Emmy's Apricot Fruit Spread

Every now and then, I'll post a favorite food that someone else has made vs. a recipe I've whipped up in Kitchen 511. This is one of those times. Thanks to my mother, I love apricot jam. One of her favorite things to enjoy with her coffee in the morning is a piece of toast smeared with the sweet fruit spread. And my mother might thank her mother, who'd pick the apricots from a tree in her backyard and can her own apricot jam every year. I'm hoping to do the same one day but in the meantime, I've discovered this divinely delicious jar of Emmy's, which I buy at Whole Foods. It's apricot heaven and the next best thing to my Grandmother's!

Indian-Spiced Guacamole

Indian-Spiced Guacamole

Baked Potato Pancakes (with Smoked Salmon)

Baked Potato Pancakes (with Smoked Salmon)